Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR Policy: Protect labor rights; comply with business ethics and regulatory requirements; ensure employee health, work safety, and environment protection.

JCET's appointed management representative establishes and maintains our social responsibility system. JCET communicates these requirements to our suppliers and subcontractors. We are committed to compliance with local labor and other regulatory requirements, RBA standards, and make continuous improvements in establishing, implementing, and maintaining our system.


2023 JCET ESG Report


This report is an environmental, social and governance  report publicly released by JCET Group Co., Ltd. This report is based on the principles of objectivity, openness and transparency, and discloses the practice and performance of JCET on ESG-related issues in 2023.

JCET has always considered sustainable development as a basic management strategy and requirement of the company, and has defined important ESG issues and implemented them through the whole process from the board of directors to the executive level to ensure continuous value creation for relevant parties.

Click to download 2023 JCET ESG Report

Labor Protection
  • Protection for Underage Labor and Female Workers

    Forbidden to use child labor, implement protection for underage workers and female workers.

  • Anti-Discrimination

    Provide employees with equal opportunities for recruitment, promotion and compensation benefits, with any discrimination forbidden.

  • Freedom of Association / Negotiation

    Promote labor-management cooperation. Respect the legal rights for workers to freedom of association and negotiation.

  • Working Hours

    Working hours must be in compliance with laws and regulations, adhere to the principle of voluntary overtime, reasonable arrangement for production planning and provide workers with at least one day off per every seven days.


  • Wages and Benefits

    Wages of workers should be in compliance with or exceed all applicable wage laws and regulations, such as minimum wage, overtime wage and legal benefits. Wage information will be communicated to workers by wage tips. Disciplinary wage deductions are forbidden.

  • Exercise Humane Treatment

    Forbidden to cause harsh and inhumane treatment to employees, including violence, gender-based violencesexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion,bullying, public shaming, verbal abuse of workers; Respect must be shown for worker’s freedom, any forced labor or prison labor is forbidden.

  • Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)


    People-oriented, comprehensive management, overall protection of health and safety

    Energy saving and consumption reduction, cleaner production, prevent and control environmental pollution

    Integrity and law-abiding, continuous improvement, create safe and green JCET together


  • Ethics


    Business Integrity • Fair Trading • Disclosure of Information • No Improper Advantage • Protection of Intellectual Property • No Conflict Materials